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  • A Monastic Way of Following Christ & The Power of Only 1 Line of Scripture...

A Monastic Way of Following Christ & The Power of Only 1 Line of Scripture...

A Monastic Way of Following Christ & The Power of Only 1 Line of Scripture...

I finally let myself get out of bed as soon as I woke up at 6:30 this morning...

It's been almost 8 months since I started being "unable" to wake up at 5am, much less get out of bed by 9am.

While the world of production and success would tell me I'm a lazy bum,

you all know when your body won't do something, sometimes there's nothing you can do...

Side note: I've accomplished more in the 4 months since moving here than I did in California in 8 years, I'll talk briefly about this soon...

I asked "God, why can't I wake up early?" ...No answer...(I'm learning lately that God prefers to answer better questions, so if he's not answering your questions, maybe you're asking the wrong ones).

So...now that my body has been waking up early again, looking back, here's what I realized was happening:

  1. I spent several months waking up at 5am and going to the gym last October, it was a shock to my system to say the least

  2. My business went from making $10,000 per month to almost nothing in December, I was dealing with another tidal wave of disappointment and overwhelm trying to figure out why or what do to about it

  3. In a swift decision earlier this year, I moved from California to Kansas, my body needed slowing down from the last 8 years of California hustle

  4. As fast as my mind loves to work, my body needs a slower pace than I can comprehend...sometimes forcing me to slow down in seasons like this

I decided to walk to the nearest coffee shop, where the owner is also a gold-hearted pastor.

We share the same spirit in a way, where unconditional love is our ultimate goal combined with a healthy a full dose of truth.

We got to talking about how I've lately been practicing Saturday Sabbaths, and he went on talking about the many congregation's he's been apart of and how the Messianic Jewish practice feels intentional and more Monastic to him than anything.

I asked, "What do you mean Monastic?"

He said, think of the Monks. They read a piece of scripture, sometimes just one line, and then they pause, go outside, and meditate on that piece of word for the entire day.

Something lit up in my heart when he said this.

An inner voice said "This is me."

How have I accomplished more in Kansas in 4 months than I did in 8 years in California?

Because God placed me here to "slow down to speed up."

I truly believe the way we spend time with God is the way we lead our entire lives.

Do we walk in every moment speaking with him?
Do we take time once per week to speak with him?
Do we talk to him but don't wait to hear him talk back?
Do we read tons of the Bible and feel satisfied?
Do we need to read only one verse and take that into the rest of the week?
Do we put our time with God last?
Do we keep saying "I know I need to read the Bible more" instead of just read it?
Do we shame ourselves for not spending enough time with him?
Do we celebrate ourselves for the moments we do get with him?

Why do the Monks spend their time with one piece of scripture at a time?

I actually don't know the answer to this, but if I were to guess...it's because their commitment is being present with God in all his forms and manifestations...

And if they're to experience God, they know they must meet God in his pace.

Sometimes this requires one piece of scripture and a few hours in nature listening, being with, and communing with our Creator.

Sometimes this requires days and weeks of contemplation on one topic.

Imagine the experiences and insights they receive compared to our average Western Christian who is always-on.

I've heard a lot of you mention that you wish you had more time with God, that you felt closer to him, more connected...

The only way to do this is to slow down a bit. However...

The experience of Time is relative whether you're being present, having fun, or dreading the end of the moment.

Time speeds up and it slows down depending on what weโ€™re doing and how present we are.

Even if you have 60 seconds today to capture a piece of scripture, thatโ€™s enough.

Because what God can do with that one piece of scripture, even when you're rushing to your next appointment, is like the mustard seed of Faith that moved a mountain.

Believe God in his character of being able to do ANYTHING โ€“ with anything.

Sometimes our best is 60 seconds of grabbing a piece of scripture and letting God work in our hearts throughout the day and the rest of the week.

In 2022 I spent 365 days in the Book of Genesis.

What God did in me that year was a miracle, something I'll write about in a future letter.

The power of one line of scripture can be life changing.

Open your Bible today, and let God choose that one piece of scripture for you...

Take that into your week this week.

Write back to me and tell me what he did for you, through you.

I can't wait to hear.

I'll see you in our next Feminine & Devoted Letter

All my love,

PS: Since moving to Kansas, I've launched my dream of an online Women's Faith Community centered on teaching topics of Biblical Femininity and living a heart-centered spirit-filled life as a woman. Click here to check it out and join. I would so love to have you ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ

